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So communication it; starts, finishes and is a relationship.  With good communication can you prolong your relationship.  But bad communication as as the man and women in “Hills Like White Elephants” found out it can kill a relationship very fast.  The man was to dominate for a relation ship, he just needed to stop and listen to what she wanted to say and she would have been more the happy with him, well he did not because he had other things on his mind

                ” ‘and we could have all this’ she said ‘and we could have everything and everyday

                   we make it more impossible

                  ‘what did you say?’

                  ‘I said that we could have everything’

                  ‘no, we can’t’ ” (Hemingway, Hills Like White Elephants, pg 4)

Even when you are trying to listen to what your family really wants, but just not getting the it can be as bad for a relationship as not listing at all.  This is something that Micheal Newman (Adam Sandlers, click) learns very quickly when confronted with what he thinks is the best thing for him and his family to get control. The clicker the device that controls the world around it, ends up destroying; his perfect world, his perfect marriage, which is all he really needed.

so obviously materialism as well as being self-centered is not the way to keep a relationship strong. but to stop listen and appreciate that each other has to say is the way to go


Hills Like White Elephants, Ernest Hemingway page 4 paragraph 17- 19

I believe that Paul,  the main character in D.H Lawrence the Rocking-Horse Winner well actually his mother fells it better to have Paul to die then to have him spend his life riding his horse to find the winner.  even thought he was making the money to get the mother to finally love him he was in fact just fueling he desire “there must be more money, there must be more money” (Inside Stories for Senior Students, the Rocking-Horse Winner, D.H. Lawrence pg 221)which shows how his life was a circular pattern: he makes the money, his mother wants more, so he goes and gambles some more, and so on and so forth.  up until the very end the mother had no idea the 8-year-old son has been gambling to make the money that she is getting but finally getting it when the son said that he was lucky, and the fact the basset said he won eighty thousand pounds. so in short even if people don’t quiet see what you want the to, its alright as long as you keep to your goals


 .H. Lawrence, Inside Stories for Senior Students, the Rocking-Horse Winner, 1993 Harcourt Canada lid, pg 221

Showing life through words is a hard thing for anyone to do, but to get it across the way that Joseph Conrad does in the Heart of Darkness. That is something all on its own there is many ways to comprehend this novella, and all can be right but you have to be able to back up your opinion.  Conrad wanted to show about society ignorance to the blight of others, and how the people of this tiny blue planet are always looking for and sometimes not knowing is better that discovering.

There are approximately six point eight seven billion human beings on this planet today, but there is about half of  (five point two eight billion) living in North America blind to everything that is happening in other countries.  So why would someone or even try to buy working through the pain unpleasantly of a friend or co-worker.  “In the steady buzz of flies the homeward-bound agents was lying flushed and insensible; the other, bent over his books, was making correct entries of perfect correct transactions; and fifty feet below the doorstep I could see the still tree-tops of the grove of death”(Joseph Conrad. Heart of darkness and other tales, pg. 160) why does this strike me as something so bad but when we see it in video games, it is fine?  With that being said how can people be so devoted to efficiency that we cannot even tend to our sick and dying friends or co-workers?  It is quite obvious that that most of people have are largely apathetic to the lives of other people, like the guy trying to put out the fire with a bucket with the hole in it.  But people also think that even if they do something the will not be able to help in any way.

It is said that knowing is half the battle but what about that stuff that is better not knowing.  Examples to this are the government will kill people who know too much about the things that they do not want people to grasp with the special operations (conspiracy theories).  So why is it that we as a race, will give up an arm and a leg to know the truth and sometimes even get killed?  “I raised my head.  The offing was barred by banks of the earth flowed sombre under an overcast sky – seemed to lead into a heart of an immense darkness” (heart of darkness and other stories, pg252) darkness is like the fog of war, meaning the area that is unknown.  So basically Conrad is trying to say that some things are better to keep a secret and secrets can keep us sane.

Life through a looking glass is a sight to behold.  Granted it takes a lot of science to get the lens to work properly.  So this is why it takes a lot of work get the words to show you the true meaning.  But no matter what way you look at is you can get a different prospective, a glimpse of the truth if you will.  And Kurtz finally found the realism of his decline to madness and a reference on the last page from that Latin phrase “fiat justitia, ruat caelum “or “let justice be done, even though the heavens fall” (both from, Heart of Darkness and Other Stories, pg276).  That is why he must have wrote the book.


Joseph Conrad, heart of darkness and other tales,pg 160, 252, 276 oxford world’s classics,  oxford university press inc. Sept 25/2003.

lessons from book one

obviously the moods portrayed by the sentence structure in Joseph Conrad, heart of darkness  has a huge effect in the way we read the first part of book one.he uses long and drawn out sentences , and s noisiness  to attempt to get the reader to see the untamed beast of society.  But as Marlow, Conrad’s main character moves further off into the largely feral wilderness of the Congo, he starts to use more,  short, abrupt sentence , symbolizing the long journey that Marlow takes to get to his destination.  you can plainly see the ignorance of society is well very apathetic  for instance the chief accountant sits blindly counting his money while one of his men are dyeing at his feet.  Many things are learned about the book, the world, and your-self in book one.

In my opinion the largest thing that a reader would learn about the book from just reading book one is how blind we can be as people; to be so devoted to efficiency that we cant even see the people dyeing just inches from our faces. for instance watching friends  last night there was a man saying that he was going to “kill him self a work and no one even lifted their heads” from their work



Friends.  Bright, Kevin.  NBC.  Aug 3 /2003. Television

while ogling through the few pages that we as an English class have read, I have learned this is a blood perplex novella.  And to add words like “somnambulist” and  “luminous” (but if you are in grade twelve you should know this word anyways) just don’t help the conundrum.  Although to be fair this is a university level book and it is unduly difficult to look under the words for the deeper meaning when I am having a callous time just reading the words.