I believe that Paul,  the main character in D.H Lawrence the Rocking-Horse Winner well actually his mother fells it better to have Paul to die then to have him spend his life riding his horse to find the winner.  even thought he was making the money to get the mother to finally love him he was in fact just fueling he desire “there must be more money, there must be more money” (Inside Stories for Senior Students, the Rocking-Horse Winner, D.H. Lawrence pg 221)which shows how his life was a circular pattern: he makes the money, his mother wants more, so he goes and gambles some more, and so on and so forth.  up until the very end the mother had no idea the 8-year-old son has been gambling to make the money that she is getting but finally getting it when the son said that he was lucky, and the fact the basset said he won eighty thousand pounds. so in short even if people don’t quiet see what you want the to, its alright as long as you keep to your goals


 .H. Lawrence, Inside Stories for Senior Students, the Rocking-Horse Winner, 1993 Harcourt Canada lid, pg 221